Many of us look at life as something that happens to us, like we are a victim of our circumstances.
In reality, we are a lot more powerful than we realise when it comes to creating our own destiny. The more we can understand and unleash our potential, the more we can create the life we want. We invite you to embark on a Consciousness Journey to unleash the perfect you.
The Maharishi Technologies of Consciousness* programs that we’ll use to help you on this journey have stood the test of time by surviving thousands of years. We’ve submitted them to extensive scientific testing, confirming their effectiveness today.
The most known of these technologies is the Transcendental Meditation* technique. We work with many other technologies, including herbs, massages, sound therapies, light therapies, etc., which, over millennia, have enhanced positive qualities and reduced negative ones.
highest self
with others
better health
CEO Dr Tony Nader honoured
CEO Dr Tony Nader honoured

Create a Better You
Create a Better You

To understand how such simple technologies can provide so many benefits, book in for a free 30-min Consciousness Session.
During the session, you will be able to:
Meet Your Consciousness Advisor*
Meet a certified advisor who can explain how Consciousness works, why it is so powerful and what you can do to improve your life.
Receive Guidance
Get recommendations that you can start to implement immediately.
Learn from Experts
Get help to find local experts for the more advanced technologies.
Design Your Journey
Have the opportunity to sign up for paid sessions with your advisor to help you design your personalised journey and be your personal step-by-step guide.
Your Consciousness Advisor
Our highly trained advisors can be a personal guide on your Consciousness Journey. They can help you prioritise what is right for you at this point in time and can help you to implement positive changes in your life.

Mladen Antisin
Family medicine doctor, Ayurvedic doctor, Certified Transcendental Meditation Teacher, Teacher of yoga asanas, Marma therapist - Liječnik obiteljske medicine, Ayurvedski liječnik, Učitelj yoga asana, Certificirani učitelj Transcendentalne meditacije, Marma terapeut
I became a certified Consciousness Advisor in 2023 with the desire to teach and...
>I became a certified Consciousness Advisor in 2023 with the desire to teach and guide people towards self-realization and higher states of consciousness because consciousness is all there is. As a doctor, I have always been interested in a holistic approach to health and the relationship between mind and body, that is, consciousness and physiology, and it was through this knowledge the relationship between man and the universe completely opened up to me.
In addition to my work as a family medicine doctor, I teach Transcendental Meditation as a certified teacher of Transcendental Meditation since 2016. In addition to teaching meditation, I also work as an Ayurvedic doctor, yoga asana teacher and marma therapist, so that with western medicine I integrate the paradigm that the consciousness is primary and the body is the result and thus I fulfill my wish for a holistic approach to health.
I research and apply this complete knowledge both experientially and on an intellectual level of understanding in the fields of medicine, sports, music and management and teach people how to achieve their talents and achievements in the most effortless and natural way without any stress and strain.
Croatian: Certificiranim savjetnikom za svijest postajem 2023. godine sa željom da podučavam i vodim ljude ka samorealizaciji i višim stamjima svijesti jer svijest je sve što postoji. Kao liječnika oduvijek me zanimao holistički pristup zdravlju i odnos duha i tijela odnosno svijesti i fiziologije te upravo kroz ovo znanje mi se potpuno otvorile te spoznaje te odnos čovjeka i svemira.
Uz moj posao liječnika obiteljske medicine podučavam transcedentalnu meditaciju kao certificiranu učitelj transcedentalne meditacije od 2016 godine .Uz podučavanje meditacije radim još kao i ayurvedki liječnik, učitelj yoga asana i marma terapeut tako da uz zapadnu medicinu integriram paradigmu sviiest je primarna a tijelo posljedica i tako ostvarujem svoju želju za holističkim pristupom zdravlja.
Ovo potpuno znanje kako iskustvenoj tako i na intelektualnoj razini razumijevanja istražujem i primjenjujem na području medicine, sporta, muzike i menadžmenta te učim ljude kako da na najnenaporniji i najprirodniji način bez ikakvog stresa i naprezanja ostvare svoje talente i postignuća.

Lidija Basara
Vodi vas da vratite osmijeh na lice / Guiding you to put a smile back on your face
Otkad znam za sebe, imala sam impuls pomoći ljudima da prebrode situacije koje život...>
Otkad znam za sebe, imala sam impuls pomoći ljudima da prebrode situacije koje život nosi, da zajedno s njima nađem izlaz. Tijekom svoje poslovne karijere u banci, kao menadžer, svakodnevno sam osmišljavala za svoje klijente najbolji model za njihov financijski uspjeh. Također sam svojim zaposlenicima nastojala stvoriti ugodnu atmosferu za rad i biti im dobar primjer, koliko god posao bio zahtjevan, a ujedno biti sretna i voljena majka svojoj kćerki.
Ja sam to sve mogla, jer sam imala veliku sreću da uz pomoć Transcendentalne meditacije i ostalih Maharishijevih tehnologija svijesti, ostanem smirena i odmorna, a i uspješna u mom životu. Zato sam odlučila da postanem TM učitelj i Savjetnik za svijest, te posvetim život tome da pomažem drugima da i oni mogu ostvariti isto što sam i ja.
Moj cilj je da ti osiguram potrebno znanje i alate da dobiješ širu perspektivu, da prepoznaš dublje prioritete u životu, povežeš se sa svojom osnovom i ravnotežom unutar sebe, da ostvariš tvoj puni potencijal kako u privatnom, tako i u profesionalnom aspektu života, te da ti vratim osmijeh na lice.
English Bio
Ever since I can remember, I have had the impulse to help people overcome the situations that life brings, to find a way out together with them. During my business career in the bank as a manager, I designed for my clients the best model for their financial success every day. I also tried to create a pleasant working atmosphere for my employees and to be a good example for them, no matter how demanding the job was, and at the same time to be a happy and loving mother to my daughter.
I was able to do all this because I was very lucky that with the help of Transcendental Meditation and other Maharishi's Technologies of Consciousness , I remained calm and rested, and successful in my life. That's why I decided to become a TM teacher and Consciousness Advisor, and dedicate my life to I help others so that they can achieve the same thing as me.
My goal is to provide you with the necessary knowledge and tools to gain a broader perspective, to recognize deeper priorities in life, to connect with your foundation and balance within yourself, to realize your full potential in both the private and professional aspects of life, and to put a smile back on your face.

Zdravko Baselli
Certified Transcendental Meditation Teacher - Certificirani učitelj Transcendentalne meditacije
I was born and live in Dubrovnik, and I have also been active for...>
I was born and live in Dubrovnik, and I have also been active for 30 years as a teacher of Transcendental Meditation, an excellent and scientifically proven technique for improving health and all areas of life. I have always been driven by the desire to help people live a happier, more beautiful and healthier life. That's why I became a Consciousness Advisor, so that I could bring the benefits of natural programs to improve health, more happiness and satisfaction in life, and a more fulfilling, harmonious life in the human community for all who want it.
Croatian: Rodio sam se i živim u Dubrovniku, te sam također već 30 godina aktivan kao učitelj transcendentalne meditacije, izvrsne i znanstveno dokazane tehnike za poboljšanje zdravlja i svih područja života. Uvijek me je vodila želja da pomognem ljudima da žive sretniji, ljepši i zdraviji život. Zato sam postao Savjetnik za svijest, kako bih mogao svima koji to žele donijeti dobrobiti prirodnih programa za poboljšanje zdravlja, više sreće i zadovoljstva u životu i ispunjeniji, skladniji život u ljudskoj zajednici za sve.